The channel the tag is ran in
An array of parsers to disable while parsing the tag.
The guild the tag is ran in
The channels of the guild the tag is ran in.
Please note that this is not inferred froms IParserArguments.guild, and must be supplied seperately if required.
How many iterations to run.
This directly controls how deep tags can be nested, and how many parsers each tag can have.
Increase this value with caution.
How long the resulting tag can be.
The members of the guild the tag is ran in.
Please note that this is not inferred from IParserArguments.guild, and must be supplied seperately if required.
Whether or not to enable strict mode.
Strict mode will throw errors when parsers fail, for example when using {math} with too little arguments.
Arguments passed to the tag.
This MUST be a space delimited array, the parser will reconstruct this at runtime when needed.
The user that ran the tag
Generated using TypeDoc
Arguments to pass to the parser.